Apple Day 2024

Apple Day 2024

Thank you to the community for help out in our 2024 campaign. We look forward to seeing you all out in the community in October 2025. Apple day 2024 will be held on Thursday October 17, Friday October 18 & Saturday October 19 this year, scout members will be out in the community collecting donations,…

Apple day October 2023

Apple day October 2023

Apple day will be held on October 19-21 this year, scout members will be out in the community collecting donations, to help fund our many adventures and activities through out the year. please check back for a list of locations and times. NEW THIS YEAR, we will be accepting donations using Tip,Tap,Pay. By using Tip…

2nd Highland Creek Cubs 69th Anniversary

2nd Highland Creek Cubs 69th Anniversary

As the CCRA is celebrating our 75th anniversary we would like to share some community milestones Happy 69th Anniversary wishes go to 2nd Highland Creek Cubs on the anniversary of their first meeting in the Centennial community ! 2nd Highland Creek Scout group has had a long relationship with Centennial Community & Recreation Association,(CCRA) who…

Youth from around the globe gathered at 24th World Jamboree

An aerial shot of the jamboree’s opening ceremonies. . This summer there were camping experiences at local camps such as Camp Adventureland and Haliburton Scout Reserve and the 24th World Jamboree in West Virginia that was hosted by Scouts Canada, Boy Scouts of America and  Asociación de Scouts de México. There were 45,000 participants from 152…

Scout group has been busy camping, cooking and climbing

By Tracy Forsyth The 2nd Highland Creek Beavers, Cub Scouts, Venturers and Rovers have been busy  with weekly meetings, weekend camps and day events. The Scouts, Venturers and Rovers went camping at Cobourg Scout Reserve for a weekend in  January. They all had an adventurous time hiking, tobogganing  and taking part in other outdoor activities….

Local Scouts and leaders had a blast at northern camp

By Kimberly Roy Troop Scouter ( October 1 2019) Ask any 2nd Highland Creek Scout about the highlight of the year, and the response you’re sure to receive is “Haliburton!” Haliburton is actually the Haliburton Scout Reserve, a 5,000-acre property in the heart of the Canadian Shield. For a magical week each summer we head…

Campaign Clean Centennial round 4

The 2nd Highland Creek Beaver Scouts participated inCampaign Clean Centennial this week. During this week’s meeting the Beaver Scouts(children aged 5-7yrs old) their family members and Scouting leaders cleaned up garbage at Rouge Beach. If you participate in Campaign Clean Centennial please send your pictures to (CCRA has been a proud sponsor of the…

Scout leader teaches kids how to make a difference

By Kathy Rowe (June 1 2022) If your family has been involved with the 2nd Highland Creek Scouts over the last 10 years, chances are you know Kevin Beleskey. His big voice, infectious laugh and buoyant personality are what make Kevin such a dynamic leader. As a graduate of the Ryerson University Technical Theatre program,…