Scouts learned how to manage a tippy canoe
By Tracy Forsyth ( October 1 2018)
The 2nd Highland Creek Scouting group started this Scouting year with an area canoe and paddling session at the Rouge Marsh. Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their Leaders learned about water and canoe safety, how to manage a canoe that tips, paddling, first aid and rescue techniques, and other skills for safe canoe use. When many participants went for a swim in the water at the marsh, the swans weren’t sure what to do about that. Some Beavers and Cubs managed to paddle to the 40l bridge with adult leaders accompanying them. More pictures of this event can be viewed on our facebook page:
In October, all the 2nd Highland Creek youth and their leaders will be going on a weekend camp adventure to Camp Samac in Oshawa to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities.