
2nd Highland Creek Cubs 69th Anniversary

As the CCRA is celebrating our 75th anniversary we would like to share some community milestones

Happy 69th Anniversary wishes go to 2nd Highland Creek Cubs on the anniversary of their first meeting in the Centennial community !

2nd Highland Creek Scout group has had a long relationship with Centennial Community & Recreation Association,(CCRA) who are their sponsor.

On April 20, 1955 a Community Euchre event was held at Centennial Rd. School organized by the CCRA and the proceeds went towards the initial startup costs of the Cub and Scout group.

2nd Highland Creek’s first Cub Meeting was April 21, 1955 at Centennial Rd. School with Alfred Ings and Alex Murphy as Cub Leaders, and Bob Sparks and Bob Finlay as Scout Leaders. 2nd Highland Creek had a group committee and also ladies auxiliary.

Current Cub Scout Volunteer leaders are Kevin and Cat Beleskey, Michelle Nichols, Joe Goodwin, Adam,Ryan,James Beleskey.

Happy Anniversary !! 2nd Highland Creek Scouting Group cub scouts

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